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The Bubel Aiken Foundation

11:02 p.m.

Hi everyone...I'm going to be taking over this page since it's about me an my friends. I see it's titled "Pets" Huh, it looks like Cindy thinks I'm her pet...Ha! What does she know? Silly human.

This page will be about me, Grizzy, aka Grizzabella, the glamour cat, and my friends, the Fishies - Kitty Katfish, Fiona, Spike, Bert & Ernie.

Two of my little friends recently crossed over the rainbow bridge - my rattie friend, Willard, and also a fishie friend, Buttercup. I really miss them, but they are in a better place now.

I don't have any pictures of my fishie friends, but I do have some pictures of me...this is one of my favorites:

Don't you think I look cute? I know one Kitty that thinks so...he's a beautiful red-head, named Odin. I helped him write his memoir, called Learning to Meow. I'll admit, there is some stuff in there that I would rather be kept private, but he thought it would be best to write about everything. And I do mean everything.

Anyhoo...I'll be writing more soon, but right now it is time for my nap.


Hey everyone, it's Cindy. I let Grizzy have part of the page because she threatened to scratch me if I didn't (and she's usually such a nice kitty) I think she just wanted to show off her LCFO status on Odin's page.

Anyhoo...here are a few pet related links:
