Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken!
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The Bubel Aiken Foundation

12:53 a.m.

So, you�ve stumbled across this page and you�re probably wondering "who the heck are the Broads?" Well, let me tell you a bit about the Broads (and the Brudes too!) First of all, you need to know one thing�

Broads Pic

Ok, now that I have that out of the way, I can continue with Intro. to the Broads 101.

The Broads are a wonderful group of women (and a few good men) who belong to the online community Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken. We came together because of a mutual love for Mr. Clayton Aiken, the beautiful and talented young singer from Raleigh, North Carolina.

If you haven�t heard of Clay Aiken, crawl on out from under that rock. It's ok, don't be afraid...come on out, I know you can do it.

So, you�re finally out from under that rock and you're a bit skeptical about the wonder of Clay. You don�t have to take my word for it that he�s beautiful and talented. All you have to do is click on the following picture and see/hear for yourself. Go on, click it, you know you want to.

Clay Aiken

Ok, so you finally know that Clay rules. Good. Now you can take the next step and meet The Broads. Don�t be afraid, we don�t bite (well, if you ask nicely�) Anyhoo, to get to the LBFCA Main Page, just click on the following picture. Come on, clickity-click.

Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken!

There are also a few Broads that have their own pages. The following links will bring you to some of these. Enter at your own risk.




Cella's Driveway

Cha Cha Trusty

Odin (he is such a Brude!)
